The visibility let us know how a website is positioned in Google according to the industry competition keywords, finding with this what domains have more participation in the search results. Additionally we detect the growth opportunity of a particular website.
Based on 2 factors we can detect the visibility of a website. The first factor is the volume of searches that a specific keyword may have and the second factor is the position of a website in the Google search engine, since it is not the same to be in position 1 for a keyword with a search volume of 10 than another keyword with a search volume of 100,000.
Learn which are the categories with the highest volume of searches according to your industry, as well as the number of keywords and their volume.
Learn about the volume and keyword search trends by categories of your industry in the last 12 months
Learn about the 10 keywords with the largest amount of search volume, at the same time observe the category to which these keywords belong.
Find out if your domain is in the top 10 search results for the analyzed keywords
Learn about the types of results that are displayed in the search results for your industry. Take advantage of this information and optimize your search position.
Let's find out together in a quick and easy way how your website is positioned, what keywords to use and the opportunities you have
Search for the visibility percentage of your domain on Google.
Learn moreFind out the visibility. top keywords, search volumes and more according to your industry.
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